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edtech demos by keith bowen | demos | awards | reaction |
ReactionI find that your distance-learning model is the most professional and relevant I have come across. In particular your use of clear analytic frameworks adopted from evidence-based research to provide policy-relevant and practioner-useful approaches to understanding conflict is most compelling. I thought this was the best interactive online course I've ever taken. Much better than those I did at Hopkins as an MPH student. I felt as I was in amphitheater of faculty, it's really an amazing experience. I sat fascinated at my computer screen. Thanks again for giving people with limited income the opportunity of taking a quality course. Even more so for people working or living in countries with limited access to universities. I come from Northern Uganda, a place that has witnessed the horrible outcome of war (the LRA of Joseph Kony). I have worked with refugees and internally displaced persons for the last six years of my life. Products of conflicts gone worse. It's an asset for me to have done such a course. I am now better placed to analyze the causes of conflicts around me, nature of the conflict, historical background, the phase in which the conflict is, the actors and their capabilities, and the suitable and possible efforts for peace building, peace making and peace enforcement. As a refugee living in Ethiopia more than 5 years, I believe this course helped me understand what I didn't before about the civil war which goes on my country more than a decade. Making more courses available this way will surely go a long way in educating all interested individuals in peace related subjects all over the world. I wish you success in your efforts towards serving humanity. The course is a graded requirement for SS476 Conflict and Negotiation. It fits perfectly with our syllabus and is great reinforcement and practice for what we cover in class. I would like to continue to use the course as a lead-in to our Civil Affairs Qualification Course. The feedback gained through the conduct of an After Action Review with the students was universally positive. In fact, they wished our course material was more like the USIP material. I'm serious in saying that yours was the best distance-learning program I've ever taken. The clips by people who lived the crises provided a perspective that mere reading cannot convey. I'm going to recommend it to some of the people in Northrop Grumman who design distance learning products. I find that this course provides a very realistic, impartial and non-politicized approach to crisis analysis and offers just the right amount of factual information. My workload here at the ICTR would never permit me to go for any classroom course. It helps us acquire knowledge that we would never have had for want of the means to fund them, to acquire the skills that we need for our work. I'm going to try to use the information and knowledge learned there to create a similar model with the information about my country (Colombia). Thank you very much! I am a practicing lawyer, but there is no doubt for me that Conflict Resolution / Mediation is my real calling. Your course was a good chance for me to test my skills and to take a step forward. Thank you very much! I thoroughly enjoyed this EXCEPTIONAL course, found it quite easy to use, and most importantly, quite instructive. The fact that I'm a U.S. naval officer currently underway aboard an aircraft carrier in the middle of the Pacific Ocean should say quite a bit about the facility of your excellent program, and to use such an on-line tool of remarkable quality was an amazing experience regardless of location. I will use these tools directly in my work. I am extensively involved with the reconstruction and rehabilitation work in the conflict-affected areas of They're extremely helpful and a great tool for those who are distant from the USIP. I am a Sergeant Major in the Turkish Army. I have worked as an observer in Israel and Palestine. This course was very effective and taught me a lot. I have earned my LL.B degree with a major in law and a minor in political science, and for the last three years I have been working for some international organizations and the UN in the human rights section. The course is very much helpful. The course has enabled me to have a better understanding of conflicts in order to take more effective actions in peace-building efforts, as well as conflict prevention in general, especially in the Middle East where I live and where instability has been engraved for many decades. I have to say that from a pedagogical point of view I felt that you really put work and know-how into this tool. It is really helpful in the sense that it takes the reader into a systematic introduction, then step by step to examples and finally to a case study where the reader can apply what he/she learns. Although the contents of the course were relatively simple to follow, there was depth and an element of very strong analysis to the material. I thought the step-by-step approach and continuous review to be quite helpful in learning the material. The very sophisticated approach to online training was very instructive. The individual can organize his time to achieve his set objective. I would like to express my gratitude to USIP for providing such interactive tool. I must admit that I found it very informative and useful. The method of training is very good because it's clear and one can easily grasp the concepts. It's also very practical because of the case studies and real life experiences. Though I have done a masters degree in Defense and Strategic Studies, I have never come across such useful material for understanding the nature and theoretical framework of conflict. The material was comprehensive, logical and to the point. This course enables the student to learn as much as possible in a short time frame. There is one thing that I can tell you: from all the courses that I saw on the Internet yours is without doubt the best. It's really interesting, the visual aids are great, it's simple to understand and to follow, and it gives a good perspective about crisis analysis. |
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